Monday, 4 April 2011

Reflective Time Management

My everyday-time stresses are usually caused by having too much work to do in a given amount of time, or by using available time ineffectively. One critical aspect of effective time management is the discipline of analyzing how i utilize my time.
Below are a few practical I use to help me reflect on how I spent my days.
Did I start my day with a clear plan on how I would use my time during the day? Did I prepare a to-do list and assign priorities to tasks on the list? Did this plan give me a sense of control over my time?
Did I work on the most important tasks at times when I tend to be most focused and productive?
Did I concentrate on my priorities? Did I feel rushed? How much unplanned time did I spend on pressing problems that demanded my immediate attention or added little value in the context of my goals?
Did I examine my schedule and priorities before committing to new assignments?
Was I effective with the use of my time or was I just efficient in the tasks I completed? Did I do the right things to meet my organisations, team’s and personal goals?
How will my accomplishments help me progress towards my short-term and long-term goals?
Did I delegate responsibilities and tasks well? Did I use my associates (Adviser, administrative assistants, subordinates, subject experts, and other resources) effectively?
How well did I use my transportation-times: time when waiting for the lecturer time during the train-commute to work, uni etc.?
What interruptions and time-wasters did I encounter? Did I attend unimportant meetings or get non-critical telephone calls and email? How could I have avoided these time-intrusions?
Did I spend too much time deliberating over minor decisions?
Did I spend enough time with family and friends? Did I spend enough time on my fitness, leisure and spiritual activities?
Did I accomplish everything I had hoped to accomplish? How many tasks do I carry forward to tomorrow’s to-do list?
Did I complete a list of things to do for tomorrow and assign priorities to them? Did I leave my workplace, desk and other personal spaces organized?

All this i consciously and might uncousiouly think about it, it goes on and on 

Reflective Writing task two

This course was my first writing course in college and although I feel I tried my hardest on each assignment I think I deserve a pass in this class. In this class I feel I had both strengths and weaknesses. My weaknesses include poor writing skills and my overall was drawing skills; while my strengths include overcoming obstacles I had not faced before in my academic life.  
At an early age I was diagnosed with a  poor writing skill. My parents transferred me to a private elementary school and each time I moved from one place to another another I ended up in a private school.
By doing this they hoped I would get more one on one attention. At the school I had a private  assistant tutor. I would meet with her a couple times a week. In the beginning it was determined through standardized tests that both my reading and writing abilities were well below proficient. I spent couple of years with my tutor trying different methods to help me read and write better especially. Slowly but steadily I caught up to my classmates and got moved up into higher classes.
Even though I am now considered proficient in both categories, I sometimes still have trouble with reading and especially writing. I’m not a very fast reader and most times I have to re-read things to fully comprehend the meaning as skim reading wasn’t really good for me.
Unfortunately I think this inability has hindered my performance in the class. Although I feel I have tried really hard and have put in a lot of time my scores especially on the narrative essays or written assignments, which don’t reflect that.

At the beginning of the semester I was quite lacking in organizational skills. In  school, we weren’t assigned much formal writing, so my base for organization was not solid. I think this is one of the places I have most improved over the past semester. I myself can see an improvement between the organization of the narrative essay and the research paper. Although my organization now may not be great, I think it is one of the areas in which I’ve improved the most or try to improve. 

Starting out on BAPP

Starting out BAPP has enlarged my possibilities and has made my thoughts expand larger and broader.
As a candidate i have come to realised that after graduating from  an FdA Graphic design course as a person i became more aware,  openminded, bubbly approachable and a motivator. In other case i  don't get bored easily as i get my brain cells ticking, thinking and ongoing.
Having those skills i have managed to connect, convey visually and non visually and communicate with clients whereby am given a design brief to complete from the beginning to the end.
Pushing my boundaries by using other forms of technology to get  my clients in getting their task, ideas and achievement done.
Having other interest in a different field due to my experience i liaise with clients, staff, organisers and many more. With in this field i learn- Listen, emphasise, apologise, react and notify. This field has also enabled me to become more aware and focus around and outside my environment.
Choosing the course BAPP i found a way to connect with other candidate, learned to share, compose and grow.
As i learned that the more you know people the more you will role well with the immense clients.

Broadening my sentences above i've come to realise that my experience has lead me to tough up to standard jobs and more responsibilities within the field, am able to demonstrate task effectively am able to manage and have a good relationship with customers or those who i meet along the way.

Importance and Urgency

The Image above shows a little diagram regarding Importance and Urgency.
This are issues we face at work, uni and whatever activities we face in our lives and how we deal with it.
The reason i had this done was due to that fact i faced a big issue at work whereby it lead to a big scenario.
Below the little diagram i've managed to to give a clear and simple illustration and short sentence and to get a clear picture of what i mean.

Few months ago during an event a lady spilt her  glass of Beauchet- pink sparkling wine, she slipped and had a severe accident and this resulted in blaming the company as we then had to compensate her.

In this case i hereby state that where ever we are especially in a work environment, freelance job at home we have to show concern to those who come to us for whatever reason and be alert to our surrounding especially for a hazard.

In our everyday life's we see things and we do not pay attention to it if it my cause a hazard. For an example if there was a sparkling wine spilt on the floor above the diagram which i wrote it's Urgent very important and i do it Now.

1mins 13 sec turned to 27 sec

After reviewing and having a look at my new video i was amazed how youtube changes the video frames.
My video lasted for 1min 13 sec all of a sudden when i added it to youtube in other for me to upload it properly i saw that the video lasted for 27sec and it actually looked and seemed better far more interesting.

My video reminded me of Mr beans or laura and hardy.

1min 13 sec of Me with the sound of Mozart