Monday 4 April 2011

Reflective Writing task two

This course was my first writing course in college and although I feel I tried my hardest on each assignment I think I deserve a pass in this class. In this class I feel I had both strengths and weaknesses. My weaknesses include poor writing skills and my overall was drawing skills; while my strengths include overcoming obstacles I had not faced before in my academic life.  
At an early age I was diagnosed with a  poor writing skill. My parents transferred me to a private elementary school and each time I moved from one place to another another I ended up in a private school.
By doing this they hoped I would get more one on one attention. At the school I had a private  assistant tutor. I would meet with her a couple times a week. In the beginning it was determined through standardized tests that both my reading and writing abilities were well below proficient. I spent couple of years with my tutor trying different methods to help me read and write better especially. Slowly but steadily I caught up to my classmates and got moved up into higher classes.
Even though I am now considered proficient in both categories, I sometimes still have trouble with reading and especially writing. I’m not a very fast reader and most times I have to re-read things to fully comprehend the meaning as skim reading wasn’t really good for me.
Unfortunately I think this inability has hindered my performance in the class. Although I feel I have tried really hard and have put in a lot of time my scores especially on the narrative essays or written assignments, which don’t reflect that.

At the beginning of the semester I was quite lacking in organizational skills. In  school, we weren’t assigned much formal writing, so my base for organization was not solid. I think this is one of the places I have most improved over the past semester. I myself can see an improvement between the organization of the narrative essay and the research paper. Although my organization now may not be great, I think it is one of the areas in which I’ve improved the most or try to improve. 

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