Monday 5 December 2011

Critical Reflection

This ‘Critical Reflection Portfolio’ will evidently direct the reader through my personal challenging learning journey, problem-solving the things that have aided me to establish my professional inquiry questions, ethical considerations evaluations.

As a candidate because I had to work to gain this experience I felt it was compulsory to consider my title within my chosen profession.  After a few experience with in the hospitality industry and working as a previous event supervisor manager I felt uncertain as to my exact role and job description.  
Within my Professional Practice Blog are my thoughts and findings along with my concluding job title which will also be my awards Award Title title ‘ BA Hons  Professional Practice Graphic design”

After I had personally recognized my awards title and the area into which I was to inquire I immediately joined a like minded ex co workers hidden ‘Special Interest Group’ (SIGS'I'G special interest group- St Pancras Renaissance started to set quesitons trying to gain their interest and thoughts as well as proposing my own ideas to the group on the Hotel and Kings Cross St pancras.
I found my SIG group challenging  because they simply had no interest and I think because it was a hotel people were literally busy so by the time they want to reply they cannot be asked  that’s so that’s definaltey challenging.

I started writing down my lines of inquiry. Due to the fact that I used to work in a hotel I started my inquiry there thinking a lot of people will know about it I became passionate about the building itself as it was historical and unique and there was just that emphasis on luxury style to it. 

I began to a set some questions Professional Inquiry 4a which were to become the starting point of discovering what my inquiries question would be and the area it would cover 4c developing inquired questions within my professional community and bloggers.  

As well as using techniques and tools to develop my line of inquiry, I began to look at other areas surrounding my professional practice, such as professional ethics and codes of professional practice within my chosen work place. This Codes and Regulations of hotel clearly states and explains the importance of each point of the code of conduct and reglations and I found it extremely helpful when writing my own version of code of conduct

This too seemed just as important for me to consider as an employer of a number of freelance  work and ex worker in a professional environment.  I was compelled to write my own code of practice for my employees as I felt it would clearly state what is expected from them and as well from me  and clarify their role and mine within the company 5B Going back to the points given at 5A (code of practice/ regulations).

Eventually I went unto having  an 5c.Ethical professional enquiry learnt  this stated that as a candidate you came across all different types of professional ethics in all sort of working field and most of the time they turn out to be a code of conduct whereby the rules given are to be complied with and majority of the time failure to do so would lead to a disciplinary action or dismissal.
Then I went unto changing my thoughts of inquiry by looking directly at st pancras station which lead me in developing a survey for the station Survey Survey Survey (Improved) Fill it in please with a short clip
Including having a clip to support my survey in other for people to answer the survey.
There were a few and other task and changes including critical thoughts I had and took place in which was to help my professional field  alsothough some were linked and some weren’t to directly  and help me in my practice line of inquiry, which I though still made very interesting. At the end I noted out sites which helped me communicate, helped me and work to deliver what I needed which was filled in my 6D- Delicious account.
On the whole this module has  been and is challenging for me as an individual. The module itself I think has been crucial in my personal development as a professional practitioner and is still giving me the tools, knowledge and understanding to move forward on to my Achievement.

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